Research Proposal Review: Diamondback Terrapin, Barrington, RI

Project title: ________________________________________________________________

PI affiliation, phone and email: __________________________________________________________

Project abstract (include methods; attach appropriate project materials):






Projected scientific value/benefits provided by this research:


Will this project result in the development of conservation strategies for populations of the Diamondback Terrapin, in general?


Will this project result in the development of conservation strategies specific to the Barrington, RI population of the Diamondback Terrapin?


Comment on all possible risks to the health of the Barrington terrapin population as a result of executing this research:


Comment on all possible risks to the health of Barrington terrapin nesting habitat as a result of executing this research:


Check methods applicable to project:
? Predator control
? Collection of live eggs
? Moving eggs/nests
? Collection of live adults
? Collection of live hatchlings
? Radio-tagging
? Habitat alteration

Number of project personnel to be on site: ______

Start- and end-dates of personnel at site: ________________

Will project staff be available to assist with mark/
capture efforts?