The trail can be accessed at the end of Ferrier Avenue off New Meadow Road in Barrington or from Tall Pines Drive off New Meadow Road, just before the juncture with Heritage Road.
This property was donated in 1986 by Gordon D. Noonan, who wished to preserve the land in its natural state. The walking trail traverses an area of red maples and oak trees with an understory of Clethra alnifolia and Kalmia latifolia and floor vegetation of mayflowers, fern, starflower, ground pine, bracken, with some poison ivy and bull briar.
Access Level:
Heritage Woods is a public access property, open to the public from dawn to dusk, 365 days a year.
Know Before You Go:
Dogs must be kept on leashes. You may bicycle to the trail, but bikes are not allowed on the hiking trails.
Parking Information:
Street parking is allowed on Tall Pines Dr., Heritage Rd. and Ferrier Ave. Please be respectful of neighbors and do not park on lawns or impede access to driveways.