Mike and Gary D’Ambra stand at the edge of the property just donated by their company, D’Ambra Realty.
There’s a corner of Barrington along Wampanoag Trail where you can look across the highway to Osamequin Nature Preserve, but you can’t find a wilderness trail on your side of the road. That’s about to change.
Barrington resident Gary D’Ambra of D’Ambra Realty Corp. recently donated more than two acres of open space to the Barrington Land Conservation Trust. The land abuts a nine-acre parcel D’Ambra donated to the Town several years ago, creating 12 acres of uninterrupted open space.
“This is an important gift because it creates a much larger corridor of green space and a sanctuary for wildlife,” says Ian Donahue, President of the Barrington Land Conservation Trust. “In collaboration with the Town, we’re looking forward to creating a walking trail on the property that can benefit the surrounding neighborhood.”
The newly donated parcel, located off Peck Lane, once belonged to Barrington resident Helen Peck. She sold it to D’Ambra Realty as part of a larger land purchase, which included both parcels donated by the D’Ambras for preservation.
“It makes a nice preserve in the northern part of Barrington, with the two properties together,” said Gary D’Ambra.
Gary’s son, Mike, is the third generation of D’Ambras to work in the business. Mike graduated from Barrington High School in 2007 and earned a degree from Endicott College, but always knew he’d return to work in the family business started by his grandfather, Vito D’Ambra.
“I view the two properties being together as a huge thing,” said Mike D’Ambra. “This neighborhood is tough to walk. I see people walking their dogs along the breakdown lane of the highway. This will provide a safe place for them to walk and enjoy nature. Anytime you can preserve land with old growth trees, land that nobody has messed with in forever, that’s a good thing.”
The Barrington Land Conservation Trust has preserved more than 300 acres of open space in perpetuity for the benefit of the public. img class=”wp-image-13943 alignright” src=”https://www.blct.org/wp-content/uploads/Mike-and-Gary-DAmbra-3000×2000.jpg” alt=”” width=”452″ height=”301″>